Arcadia Application | Deployment — F5 Digital Customer Engagement Center 0.1 documentation

Arcadia Application | DeploymentΒΆ

For this workshop, we are going to use the Arcadia Financial application. The application is built with four different microservices that are deployed in the Kubernetes environment.

  • Main - provides access to the web GUI of the application for use by browsers

  • Backend - is a supporting microservice and provides support for the customer-facing services only

  • App2 - provides money transfer API based functionalities for both the Web app and third party consumer applications

  • App3 - provides referral API based functionalities for both the Web app and third party consumer applications

All of our pods are created based on the NGINX Unit application server.

NGINX Unit is a dynamic application server capable of running beside NGINX Plus and NGINX Open Source or standalone. NGINX Unit supports a RESTful JSON API, deploys configuration changes without service disruptions, and runs apps built with multiple languages and frameworks. Designed from scratch around distributed applications needs, it lays the foundation for service mesh.


  1. Deploy the Arcadia Application into Kubernetes

    The Arcadia Application deployment is a single manifest file containing the resources need to build.

    • Kubernetes deployment for the four docker containers

    • Kubernetes services for the four docker containers

    In the terminal window, copy the below text and paste+enter:

    kubectl apply -f /home/ubuntu/Desktop/f5-digital-customer-engagement-center/solutions/delivery/application_delivery_controller/nginx/kic/templates/arcadia.yml



  2. Arcadia application Kubernetes objects

    In the terminal window, copy the below text and paste+enter:

    kubectl get services



  3. Arcadia application has been deployed and started

    Proceed to NGINX Ingress Controller | Examples